Sunday, February 15, 2009

Learning new methods of Knitting

O.K., I know this is soon for my first technique but I wanted to let you know what I am trying at this time. I learned to knit with what is called the 'English' method of knitting or the throw method. I have always wanted to learn the 'Continental' method. Went to the good old web and found several instruction videos on 'Youtube'. Each had her own method, slightly different from each other. The best one for me was at
She at least showed me how to do the purl stitch without twisting it. It has worked so far. I am still quite awkward with it and tend to turn my work the same as I did with the 'English' method. (ie, pick it up and turn it) It will probably take some time before I am more fluid with the knitting. I am not advocating one method over another. I still am more relaxed with my original method. When I get to complicated patterns, I will probably revert to my original way of knitting until I have mastered the stitches. (If one ever does.) The one thing that stood out most that I was surprised with was how quick the knitting went. I thought that it would be pretty slow considering I basically learning how to knit. I was very surprised that I flew through the pattern. Much faster than I could have using the throw method. Also, I have always hated knit 1 purl 1 ribbing. With this method it was seamless. I was at the end of each row ten times quicker than with my original way of knitting and I am a pretty fast knitter.

Hope this challenges you to try the 'Continental' method if you don't use it already. If nothing else it does give the brain a work out.

1 comment:

  1.'s Camille and I just left a comment in the next post. One question...
    I need to visit your ETSY site, but I didn't see it listed here, anywhere. Help me and your other visitors to find you! Thanks...Camille
